Arise and Succeed!!!

               Arise and Succeed!!!

Why do you sit comfortably on that chair?
Why you get into that car?
Why do you sleep in that house?
The reason is simple; you understand the purpose of their design. The chair was designed to carry your weight, you don't need to hear a song of faith before sitting on it.
The car was meant to convey you from one place to another, you don't need a message on faith to tell you that.. The house was meant to provide shelter, you don't need to read a faith article before you know that. You have a comprehensive knowlege of their design.

But wait, I have an essential question to ask you. Why do you then entertain fears of failure about yourself? Why do you live with worry and anxiety about what the future holds for you?
If you could repose so much faith in the product of a man; chairs, cars, houses,etc, how much more the product of the Almighty God; You?

You've got to wake up, shake up, step up and believe in the YOU that God created. He didn't make an accidental commodity neither did He make a catastrophe. He made you in His image and after His likeness. As though that was not enough, He gave up His only Son to procure everything you need in life.

I know you've got battles to fight. You ain't gonna win if you don't believe in the You God created. Think about these; if you didn't believe that chair could carry your weight, would you have sat on it? If you didn't believe that car could transport you to your destination, would you have ridden in it? If you didn't believe that house could provide shelter, would you have stayed in it?
The answer is a big, fat No.
Believe in the personality God has made and destined you to be.

Some persons may have even spoken words of negativity into your life but those words are lies. God didn't manufacture a failure. He made a success story. Look deep, discover what God has deposited in you, blossom in your God-given potentials. Whatever you can do, do it for the greater good. Develop yourself, polish yourself, come out from despondency and tell yourself; I CAN!!!
You can be the best God designed you to be. You can brace the storm and get to the top of everest. You can be the success story everyone wants to hear. But that can only be if you Arise and Do Something!
Act now! Look out for what good thing you can do and make life meaningful.
You were not designed to fail.

God bless you.


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